Thursday, March 27, 2025

Meta Tag Generator

eta Tags can be said as just a key to the entrance of search engines.Meta tags are the main part of a blog which attracts the eyes of search engines and viewers enormously. Keywords plays an amazing role in making search engines to crawl your blog and a small Description plays an important role in attracting the visitors to click on your link.I hope you have realised the importance of meta tags now and let me help you in implementing it in blogger.


1. Enter a perfect description for your blog which describes and represents the contents of your blog.

2. Enter the Keywords separated with commas(,)
  • Note: i will give you an hint here, open Google search and start typing single keywords that coincide with your blog content. The keywords which are searched by max viewers will be suggested in shadow while typing in search box and you can use such keywords to rank well in SEO.
3. Enter the name of Blog Author.

4. Choose index or Follow in robots section.
  • Note: If you have a private blog and dont want search engines to crawl your blog, then you can choose no index so that search engines wont crawl or index your blog elements.
5. Now click GENERATE button and copy the generated html codes and paste it right after/below the <Head> tag in your template.

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    1. राजीव जी,कमेन्ट के लिए आभार।


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    Manoj jaiswal



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    Manoj jaiswal

    is a 56 years old Blogger.He loves to write about Blogging Tips, Designing & Blogger Tutorials,Templates and SEO.

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